
Specialized in JavaScript

Looking for a tool you can trust for even the trickiest parts of your JavaScript development? We’ve been refining WebStorm for over 10 years to make coding a more enjoyable experience. Whether you work with JS, TS, React, Vue, Angular, Node.js, HTML, or style sheets, WebStorm has you covered.

The smartest editor

WebStorm deeply understands your project structure and can assist you with every aspect of writing code. It will autocomplete your code, detect and suggest fixes for errors and redundancies, and help you refactor code safely.

Built-in developer tools

One of the best parts of working in an IDE is that all of your essential tools are available in one place. Use WebStorm to debug and test your client-side and Node.js apps as well as to work with version control. Take advantage of the linters, build tools, terminal, and HTTP client, which are all integrated with the IDE.

Fast navigation and search

Move through your code faster, regardless of how large your projects are. Look for files, classes, or symbols, and review all the matches in one place. Jump to the definition for any function, method, variable, component, or class, and find its usages in a few clicks.

Efficient teamwork

Onboard new teammates faster with all key functionality prepackaged. Code together in real time and talk to others right from the IDE. Share your project configuration, including code style settings, and work efficiently with Git and GitHub.

Customizable environment

Want to extend the built-in functionality? Tailor WebStorm’s look and feel to your liking by experimenting with things like themes and plugins. Save your custom settings and share them between different instances of WebStorm.

What’s new in WebStorm 2021.2

Reload pages on save

You asked us to improve the Live Edit feature and so we did! WebStorm will automatically update the pages in your browser as you edit and save your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files.

Auto-import for require()

Did you know that WebStorm can add missing import statements as you complete ES6 symbols? Now it can do the same for CommonJS modules.

Usability enhancements

We've localized the UI into several languages, added the ability to change the cursor shape in the built-in terminal, provided automatic cache and log cleanup, and more.

Join our customers

Teams all over the world use WebStorm and other IDEs by JetBrains. Join them and get the best development experience.

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What our customers say

Peter K.

via Twitter

I feel like nine out of ten times when I think of something that would would be helpful in my @javascript editing, the folks at @Jetbrains have already implemented it in @WebStormIDE.

Bogdan P.

via Twitter

If you do code review a lot, the best way in the universe right now is branch comparison in @WebStormIDE. Just totally another perception world. Saves me so much time each day.

Takuma B.

via Twitter

I am a @jetbrains fanboy right now. Been working with @WebStormIDE for the past six months and really enjoy it. Just downloaded @datagrip and it's pretty cool. Not being paid to say that, just giving props to the @jetbrains team.